Forklift battery wont hold a charge?

There can be many reasons why your forklift battery wont hold a charge. It may be as simple as it’s just to old. Forklift batteries have an expected life of 5 years is a typical application. If your forklift battery is newer than 5 years old and it wont hold a charge, you need to have a professional battery service technician find out why!

We have the tools and equipment to determine why your forklift battery wont hold a charge!

We bring our Load Bank to find out why!

Specific Gravity is the true marker of your forklift battery’s condition. The required Specific Gravity for every unit is printed on the battery.

We have the tools and supplies to adjust your battery to its proper specific gravity at your location!

The weaker the Specific Gravity the faster your battery will run out of power.

We adjust the Specific Gravity to the exact specifications for each type, style and model of forklift battery. 

Terms to Understand!

Specific Gravity (Sp. Gr. or SG): Specific Gravity is a measure of the electrolyte concentration in a battery. This measurement is based on the density of the electrolyte compared to the density of water and is typically determined by the use of a hydrometer (see “HYDROMETER”). By definition, the specific gravity of water is 1.00 and the specific gravity of the sulfuric acid electrolyte in a typical fully charged battery is 1.265-1.285. Specific gravity measurements are typically used to determine if the battery is fully charged or if the battery has a bad cell.

Load Tester: An instrument that draws current (discharges) from a battery using an electrical load while measuring voltage. It determines the battery’s ability to perform under actual discharge conditions.

Hydrometer: Device used to indicate density or specific gravity of electrolyte solutions.

We Can’t Make your Old Battery New Again, but we can make it deliver what it is capable of.

We travel to your location with our load bank and all the tools and supplies necessary to make the proper adjustments to your battery.

If your battery is getting old or just isn’t performing as it should call BPS today!


We service all makes, models, types and styles of forklift batteries! 

Don’t be held captive by a weak battery! We can adjust it and power it up to reach its full potential. 

If you have a forklift battery that wont hold a charge, call BPS today! We service all makes, models, types and styles of forklift batteries and chargers. Servicing most of New York State and Northern PA.

Customer Satisfaction is our Top Priority!

Servicing: Syracuse | Rochester | Buffalo | Olean | Jamestown & Surrounding Areas